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Teleport Pad Tutorial

Thanks to the Tribes 2 Coding Community and Nevermind for this tutorial.

Teleport Pad Author: Nevermind
Step #1
Create a new file in the scripts/packs/ folder, name it telepadpack.cs
Paste this into the newly created file:

// telepadpack.cs - teleport pack

datablock ShapeBaseImageData(TelePadDeployableImage)
mass = 15;
emap = true;

shapeFile = "stackable1s.dts";
item = TelePadPack;
mountPoint = 1;
offset = "0 -0.2 0";

deployed = TelePadDeployedBase;
heatSignature = 0.5;

stateName[0] = "Idle";
stateTransitionOnTriggerDown[0] = "Activate";

stateName[1] = "Activate";
stateScript[1] = "onActivate";
stateTransitionOnTriggerUp[1] = "Idle";

isLarge = true;
maxDepSlope = 30;
deploySound = StationDeploySound;

datablock ItemData(TelePadPack)
className = Pack;
catagory = "Deployables";
shapeFile = "stackable1s.dts";
mass = 3.0;
elasticity = 0.2;
friction = 0.6;
pickupRadius = 1;
rotate = false;
image = "TelePadDeployableImage";
pickUpName = "a deployable teleport pad";
heatSignature = 0;

computeCRC = true;
emap = true;


datablock SensorData(TelePadBaseSensorObj)
detects = true;
detectsUsingLOS = true;
detectsPassiveJammed = false;
detectsActiveJammed = false;
detectsCloaked = false;
detectionPings = true;
detectRadius = 10;

datablock StaticShapeData(TelePadDeployedBase) : StaticShapeDamageProfile
className = "Station";
catagory = "Deployables";
shapefile = "ext_flagstand.dts";

rechargeRate = 0.31;

needsNoPower = true;

dynamicType = $TypeMasks::StationObjectType;
mass = 5.0;
maxDamage = 2.00;
destroyedLevel = 2.00;
disabledLevel = 1.35;
repairRate = 0;
explosion = DeployablesExplosion;
expDmgRadius = 18.0;
expDamage = 0.8;
expImpulse = 2000.0;

deployedObject = true;

energyPerDamagePoint = 50;
maxEnergy = 150;

humSound = SensorHumSound;
heatSignature = 0;
pausePowerThread = true;

debrisShapeName = "debris_generic.dts";
debris = DeployableDebris;

cmdIcon = CMDSwitchIcon;
cmdCategory = "DSupport";
cmdMiniIconName = "commander/MiniIcons/com_switch_grey";
targetNameTag = 'Deployed';
targetTypeTag = 'Teleport Pad';

sensorData = TelePadBaseSensorObj;
sensorRadius = TelePadBaseSensorObj.detectRadius;
sensorColor = "0 212 45";

firstPersonOnly = true;

//lightOnlyStatic = true;
lightType = "PulsingLight";
lightColor = "0 1 0 1";
lightTime = 1200;
lightRadius = 6;


datablock StaticShapeData(TelePadBeam)
className = "Station";
catagory = "DSupport";
shapefile = "nexus_effect.dts";
collideable = 1;
needsNoPower = true;
sensorData = TelePadBaseSensorObj;
sensorRadius = TelePadBaseSensorObj.detectRadius;
sensorColor = "0 212 45";

cmdCategory = "DSupport";
targetNameTag = 'Teleport';
targetTypeTag = 'Pad';

//lightOnlyStatic = true;
lightType = "PulsingLight";
lightColor = "0 1 0 1";
lightTime = 1200;
lightRadius = 6;

function TelePadDeployedBase::onDestroyed(%this, %obj, %prevState)
echo("pad " @ %obj @ " destroyed!");
Parent::onDestroyed(%this, %obj, %prevState);
$TeamDeployedCount[, TelePadPack]--;

if($TeamDeployedCount[, TelePadPack] > 0) // this wasnt the last
if($firstPad[] == %obj) // the first was destroyed
echo("first pad destroyed");
$firstPad[] = %obj.nextPad; // make the second one the first
echo("first pad (" @ %obj @ ") destroyed, new first :" @
$firstPad[].prevPad = -1;
%obj.prevPad.nextPad = %obj.nextPad;
%obj.nextPad.prevPad = %obj.prevPad;

//blow up another one, maybe
%rnd = mFloor(getRandom() * 10);
echo("rnd " @ mFloor(%rnd));
if(%rnd == 5) // one in ten chance
echo("another pad blows up");
else // last one
$firstPad[] = ""; // remove it

//blow up

%obj.shield[0].schedule(10, "delete");
%obj.schedule(15, "delete");

function TelePadDeployedBase::onCollision(%data, %obj, %col)

%teleteam =;

if(%obj.Hacked) // This is just stuff i use for my mod, If you don`t know
what your doing, don`t fiddle with it
%teleteam = %obj.OldTeam;

%pads = $TeamDeployedCount[%teleteam, TelePadPack];
//verify is team associated and is on player's team
if(( != && ( != 0))
%obj.playAudio(0, TelePadAccessDeniedSound);
messageClient(%col.client, 'msgTelepadDenied', '\c2Access Denied --
Wrong team.');
%col.justTeleported = true;
schedule(2000, %col, "unteleport", %col);
if(%pads < 2)
%obj.playAudio(0, TelePadAccessDeniedSound);
messageClient(%col.client, 'msgTelepadDenied', '\c2No other pads to
teleport to.');
%col.justTeleported = true;
schedule(2000, %col, "unteleport", %col);
%obj.playAudio(0, TelePadAccessDeniedSound);
messageClient(%col.client, 'msgTelepadDenied', '\c2Unable to teleport,
pad is recharging.');
%col.justTeleported = true;
schedule(2000, %col, "unteleport", %col);

%rnd = getRandom();

if(%pads > 2)
%padloop = (mFloor(%rnd * (%pads - 1)) + 1);
%padloop = 1;

%destPad = %obj.nextPad;

echo("teleporting player " @ %col @ " from pad " @ %obj @ " to pad " @

%obj.shield[0].startFade( 0, 0, true );
//%col.startFade( 0, 0, true );

%col.justTeleported = true;
%obj.playAudio(0, IdleSound);

%col.setWhiteout(1); // a white flash
%col.setTransform(setWord(%col.getPosition(), 2, 800) SPC "0 0 1 0");
//huck em into the sky
messageClient(%col.client, 'msgTelepadDenied',
schedule(3000, %col, "teleport", %col, %destPad, %obj); // shedule their

schedule(10000, %destPad, "tp_fadein", %destPad);
schedule(10000, %obj, "tp_fadein", %obj);
//schedule(1000, %col, "pl_fadein", %col);

%obj.teleCharging = true;

function pl_fadein(%obj)
%obj.startFade(50, 0, false);

function tp_fadein(%obj)
%obj.playAudio(0, TelePadBeamSound);
%obj.shield[0].startFade(100, 0, false);
%obj.teleCharging = false;

function unteleport(%pl)
%pl.justTeleported = false;

function teleport(%pl, %destPad, %src)
%pl.setVelocity("0 0 0"); //These numbers tells the game to slow down the
if(!isObject(%destPad)) // lost the destination
%pl.setTransform(%src.getPosition() SPC "0 0 1 0");
%pl.setTransform(vectorAdd(%destPad.getPosition(), "0 0 2") SPC "0 0 1
%destPad.shield[0].startFade( 0, 0, true );
%destPad.playAudio(0, IdleSound);
%destPad.teleCharging = true;
schedule(2000, %pl, "unteleport", %pl);

function TelePadBeam::onCollision(%data, %obj, %col)
echo("beam collision!!!!!");

datablock AudioProfile(TelePadAccessDeniedSound)
filename = "fx/weapons/ELF_underwater.wav";
description = AudioClosest3d;
preload = true;

datablock AudioProfile(TelePadBeamSound)
filename = "fx/powered/inv_pad_appear.wav";
description = AudioClosest3d;
preload = true;

function TelePadPack::onPickup(%this, %obj, %shape, %amount)
// created to prevent console errors

function TelePadDeployableImage::onDeploy(%item, %plyr, %slot)
%deplObj = Parent::onDeploy(%item, %plyr, %slot);
//attach green beam
%deplObj.shield[0] = new (StaticShape)() {
dataBlock = TelePadBeam;
%deplObj.shield[0].setTransform(%item.surfacePt SPC %rot);
//%deplObj.beam = %beamObj;
//echo("pad deployed : " @ %deplObj);
%deplObj.shield[0].playThread(0, "ambient");
%deplObj.shield[0].setThreadDir(0, true);
//The flash animation plays forwards, then back automatically, so we have
to alternate the thread direcction...
%deplObj.shield[0].flashThreadDir = true;
echo("setting beam!!");
%padcnt = $TeamDeployedCount[, %item.item];

if(%padcnt == 1)
//first pad
echo("first pad : " @ %deplObj);
$firstPad[] = %deplObj;
%deplObj.nextPad = %deplObj;
%deplObj.prevPad = -1;
%lastPad = $firstPad[];

%txt = "pad list ";
%txta = "pad list ";
%txtb = "pad list ";

for(%i = 1; %i < (%padcnt -1); %i++) // move to the last pad so we can add
the next one
%lastPad = %lastPad.nextPad;

%lastPad.nextPad = %deplObj;
%deplObj.prevPad = %lastPad;
%deplObj.nextPad = $firstPad[];

%a = $firstPad[];
echo("lastPad " @ %lastPad);
echo("firstPad " @ %a);

for(%i = 1; %i <= %padcnt; %i++)
%txt = %txt @ "("@%i@") t:" @ %a @ " -> ";
%txta = %txta @ "("@%i@") p:" @ %a.prevPad @ " -> ";
%txtb = %txtb @ "("@%i@") n:" @ %a.nextPad @ " -> ";
%a = %a.nextPad;
return %deplObj;

function TelePadDeployedBase::disassemble(%data, %plyr, %hTgt)
%teleteam =;
if(%obj.Hacked) // is it hacked currently?
%teleteam = %hTgt.OldTeam;

// dising a telepad makes it yours, remove from the other teams list
if($TeamDeployedCount[%teleteam, TelePadPack] > 0) // this wasnt the last
if($firstPad[%teleteam] == %hTgt) // the first was disassembled
echo("first pad disassembled");
$firstPad[%teleteam] = %ohTgtbj.nextPad; // make the second one the
%hTgt.prevPad = -1;
%hTgt.nextPad = %obj;
%lastPad = $firstPad[%teleteam];
%hTgt.prevPad.nextPad = %hTgt.nextPad;
%hTgt.nextPad.prevPad = %hTgt.prevPad;

else // last one
$firstPad[%teleteam] = ""; // remove it


Step #2
Open inventoryHud.cs, by now you should know where to add this:
$InvPack[19] = "Teleport Pad";
$NameToInv["Teleport Pad"] = "TelePadPack";

Step #3
OK, now we will open deployables.cs
As this is a pretty "advanced" toturial, find the place to add it for
$TeamDeployableMax[TelePadPack] = 2;

$ReverseDeployItem[TelePadDeployedBase] = TelePadPack;

Step #4
Open up pack.cs
Add this under // --- Upgrade packs ---:

Step #5
Open up player.cs, you know where to add this:
max[TelePadPack] = 1;

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-(16 June) Thank you Haarmann
-(16 June) Disclaimer
-(16 June) oopsy
-(15 June) Plagarised Tutorials
-(15 June) Sorry Cyngon!!!
-(15 June) Tutorials Galore!
-(15 June) Problems are solved!